Orpheus Chamber Orchestra
490 Riverside Drive, 11th floor
New York, NY 10027-5788

(212) 896 1700

Orpheus 50th Anniversary Campaign

Looking Forward

Last year, Orpheus celebrated its 50th Anniversary season and launched a campaign to ensure a vibrant and thriving future for Oprheus. Selling out concerts from Carnegie Hall to Suntory Hall in Tokyo, Orpheus is standing strong and ready for the decades ahead.

The 50th Anniversary Campaign aims to strengthen our endowment, expand our community engagement programs focused on social impact, and improve our financial flexibility in an ever-evolving economic and social landscape.

Let's have a conversation about how you can support Orpheus during our 50th Anniversary

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Beyond performing on the world's greatest stages

"Our future may not only be about how we play, or what repertoire we add to the canon. It is about how we ground ourselves in our community, how we cooperate, how we collaborate, how we treat others with respect."

--Alexander Scheirle, Executive Director

Let's Chat
Access orpheus 1

Campaign Funding

The 50th Anniversary Campaign will provide Orpheus a runway to recover from the unprecedented conditions facing the performing arts sector, bolster our business model for the future, and support our capacity for new and expanded initiatives.

In addition to concert performances, support opportunities of Orpheus signature programs include:

Orpheus Reflections brings music to those living with Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia and their caregivers. It truly provides the joy of music to those who need it most. We aspire to have this program offered in cities where we tour as a unique program that has a deep impact for those who attend.

Access Orpheus impacts thousands of K-12 public school students, their families and educators in New York City so that the next generation have the chance to experience classical music and learn from Orpheus’ unique collaborative model.

Campaign Goals

  • Endowment Support | $1,000,000

    A goal is to double the current endowment so that there are funds that support annual operating needs.

  • Innovation Fund | $750,000

    A goal is to have the funds needed for programs that continue to expand Orpheus' reach in the communities where they perform including:

    • Orpheus Reflections brings the healing power of music to those living with Alzheimer's Disease and others forms of dementia and their caregivers. The program is currently offered throughout the New York Metropolitan Area, but we aspire to offer this program in the cities where we tour as a unique opportunity to connect with and deeply impact those communities.
    • Access Orpheus impact thousands of NYC public school students, their families, and educators by sharing Orpheus' collaborative process through workshops and tickets to Carnegie Hall performances.
    • Enhanced work for Orpheus Leadership Institute, which provides a unique perspective on the practice of leadership that can unlock creativity, agility, and collaboration at corporate entities.
  • Board-designated Fund | $500,000

    A goal is to allow great capacity-building projects in order to be nimble with activities to keep Orpheus true to its mission and enhance staffing needs including:

    • Underwriting commissions to support Orpheus' partnership with composers and the creation of new music and reimagined arrangements for chamber orchestra.
    • Support for performances at venues that engage new audiences.
    • Enhance staffing needs, professional development, and infrastructure.
    • Orpheus' work in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to create and sustain a positive culture on stage and off.

Naming Opportunities

  • Named Funds
    • Name an Orchestra Chair: $50,000
    • Name an Access Orpheus Fund: $50,000+
    • Name an Orpheus Reflections Fund: $50,000+
    • Name an Orpheus Leadership Institute Fund: $50,000+
    • Name a Music Commission Fund: $25,000+
  • Endowment Funds
    • Endow Access Orpheus: $250,000+
    • Endow Orpheus Reflections: $250,000+
    • Endow an Orchestra Chair: $250,000

Orpheus 50th Anniversary Campaign

Total Campaign Goal


Raised as of May 2024


Gifts needed to Goal

We are very grateful to all those who have made leadership commitments to the Campaign, bringing us to more than halfway to our goal. We hope you will consider joining us with a commitment to Orpheus’ 50th Anniversary Campaign.

See Your Generosity in Action

We're happy to chat with you about the programs your contribution will support.